Frequently Asked Questions

Help Claiming on Insurance

  • What claims can you help with?

    We can help people claim on Life Insurance, Terminal Illness Insurance, Critical Illness Insurance, Income Protection policies, Serious Illness cover.

  • We can take over all the work and worry of making an insurance claim. We will fill in all the forms (you may still have to sign the forms), gather all relevant information (including medical information), chase and ensure the insurance company are working on your claim. We can take all the stress and worry from the claims process and keep you updated at every step of the way.

  • Resolute Claims either charge a flat fee or operate on a no-win-no-fee (NWNF) basis. Our NWNF charges are higher than the flat rate as we risk carrying out the work without the certainty of being paid.

    See our Fees
  • Initially we will only submit your claim based on the information provided. We work for you and not the insurance company, so we have your best interests at heart and our aim is always to get a successful pay-out. If you claim is rejected, you may choose to appeal this decision which we can help with. We can offer our “Appeal a declined insurance claim” service at a 50% discount for our normal charge. If you have paid an upfront fee for the initial service, this will be deducted from your final fee. If you have chosen a NWNF option, the 50% reduction of the fee is inclusive, meaning you will pay 12% of the total pay-out. If you wish to discuss any concerns or if you have any questions you can speak to a consultant.

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  • Claiming on life insurance can take a lot of time and effort at a time when someone is coping with the loss of a loved one. To make a claim you will need to compete a claim form, obtain letters of administration, provide medical information (or death certificate) and policy document. We’re often asked, “how long does a life insurance claim take?”. Due to Covid we have seen increased times in assessment times. Normally it would take around 4-6 weeks but recently we have seen times increase to 8-12 weeks (depending on the time-frames of insurance providers and medical professionals).

  • Claiming on a Critical Illness policy can cause anxiety and stress at a point in your life when you should be focusing on getting better. We have seen instances of people continuing to work or going back to work early due to financial concerns.

    When making a Critical Illness claim it’s important to be prepared as possible. You will need to understand the condition that’s being claimed, so things like histology reports and consultant reports are essential to have as certain questions will be asked on the claim form. When claiming on Critical Illness the insurance companies will write to your medical professionals (GP and consultants). Often these reports can take many weeks to supply and can slow down the process significantly. Insurance companies may also write to your GP and ask questions around your health and lifestyle to make sure the details submitted during your application are in line with your medical records.

  • Pre-Covid we would normally expect a claim to take around 6-8 weeks. Due to the increased workloads of insurance companies and medical professionals we have seen this increase to 8-12 weeks. In some cases, we have seen claims take around 4-6 months.

    Resolute Claims make sure that your claim is well prepared before submitting ensuring that your claim is assessed efficiently as possible.

  • Most claims that are rejected are because of non-disclosure. This means that the answers given when the insurance was applied for, may have been wrong. We can help people challenge these decisions, for more information. Speak with one of our consultants today.

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  • Normally to claim on a critical illness policy you will need to meet certain conditions. These can be things like a certain amount of Troponin Levels must be reached or there needs to be death of a heart muscle. Insurance companies often look at thing unfairly and we have experts who can help appeal these decisions. To find out more, please get in touch.

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Get In Touch

Thinking of Making a New Insurance Claim? We offer a free initial guidance and information service to discuss the claims process, what to expect and what information you will need before a claim can be made. Alternatively, you can let us take care of your claim on your behalf.

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